Before/After Photos


Before And After


Facial rejuvenation by Ultherapy after 360 days Diana, 62 years old: "Because it's ultrasound and non-invasive, I chose Ultherapy as an alternative to surgery."




Brow and eyelids lift by Ulterapy after 30 days Kathleen, 41 years old: "After my Ultherapy treatment, there was almost just this natural return to where the brow line sat two years ago."





Lift and tighten under the chin area by Ulterapy after 120 days Heather, 46 years old: "Having the Ultherapy treatment done really gave me the confidence to go out there and hold my head up high."




Neck rejuvenation by Ultherapy after 90 days  Joanne, 58 years old: "The reason I was so excited about Ultherapy is that you can get results without having to have surgery."†




Décolletage rejuvenation and improve lines & wrinkles on the upper chest by Ultherapy after 180 days Dominique, 52 years old: "People still recognized me, and I recognized myself. You just want to go on with your life and just look better!"




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