Accident, Broken Leg – Scar?

Fractured bones are amongst the most frequent consequences of accidents. Especially children injure themselves when playing or doing sport – and an inattentive moment quickly results in a fractured arm or a broken leg. The figures speak for themselves: By the time they’ve turned 16, every 2nd boy and every 3rd girl has already suffered a broken bone at one time.

The bone is broken – and now?

Most breaks are treated in a conservative way today, meaning without an operation. In this case, the affected bone is straightened externally and then put to rest for some time so that the fracture can heal. Especially in the case of young patients, conservative treatment is the preferred method to avoid additional damage to the bone tissue and so as not to endanger further growth.

An operation is required only for especially complicated fractures or open breaks, where the bone protrudes through the surface of the skin.

Bone straightened – skin and tissue damaged

Orthopaedic operations, such as those right after a breaking a bone, are frequently associated with deep, large wounds. In order to reach the injured point, the skin and layers of tissue are separated. This often leads to severe swelling, which can cause pain and slow down the healing process. One method to treat the swelling that occurs after an operation is lymph drainage. By gently massaging the subcutaneous tissue, the surrounding lymphatic glands are activated and can then remove the accumulated tissue fluid – the swelling recedes and the healing process is made easier.

Fracture and tissue heal – but what about the surgical scar?

“Time heals all wounds …” and after a few weeks the surgical wound has closed up and the break slowly heals. Now is the time to take care of the resulting scar – after all, you don’t want to be reminded of the painful injury for the rest of your life.

Contractubex® supports the formation of a scar that is as inconspicuous as possible. This means that the active substances of Contractubex® support the natural scar formation process. For best possible results, Contractubex® should be applied as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches are removed. Massage Contractubex® in 2 to 3 times daily for at least 3 months – so that not only your broken bone, but also the resulting scar heals as far as possible without consequences.



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